Blogmas Day 2 – My Favourite Christmas Films

It’s A Wonderful Life (1946), Frank Capra, RKO Radio Pictures

Today, I’ve decided to follow on from my Christmas playlist post to my favourite Christmas films. It feels like a music post and then a film post flow together nicely and who doesn’t love a feel good Christmas movie anyway?

It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

I love this film but my gosh it’s so sad. Directed by Frank Capra, It’s a Wonderful Life, stars James Stewart as George Bailey, who wishes he was never born, and is then shown how different life would be for everyone else if he was never there by his guardian angel (Henry Travers). I know it sounds like the least Christmasy film going, but if you haven’t seen it, please give it a go. It’s beautiful. Gets me every time.

The Holiday (2006)

After ending terrible relationships, two women, (Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet) decide to swap homes at Christmas. In the process, they end up falling for someone new, whilst living their new lifestyle. This one is really heart warming, and me and my mum both love it. I don’t know many people that know about this one, so give it a go if you haven’t heard about it before.

Love Actually (2003)

Ok. I don’t think I need to explain the storyline to this because I don’t think I know a single person who hasn’t seen this. BUT just incase there is a poor soul out there that hasn’t seen it, the film follows different couples and their stories during Christmas time. It’s really sweet and a tad sad, but I don’t know anyone that doesn’t love it.

The Grinch (2000)

Oh Dr Seuss, you absolute genius for creating this character. The Grinch lives on the out-skirts of Whoville, plotting revenge and looking to ruin Christmas for the residents. It may be a story for young children, but I still love it and really shows you the true meaning of Christmas.

This one also has a little bit of extra feels for me, as watching The Grinch started a bit of a family tradition. I’ll talk about that in another blog for my blogmas though.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Everyone umms and ahhs this one. Is this a Halloween film or a Christmas film? For me, it 100% falls under a Christmas film. I also love me a bit of Tim Burton so I can’t go wrong with this. The king of Halloween Town, Jack Skellington, comes across Christmas Town, but when he attempts to bring the two together, it all goes horribly wrong.

With a bit of music, animation and romance, this film is a great bit of family fun.

The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

All this is, is the classic tale of a Christmas Carol, but with the muppets and Michael Caine. It’s a really cute,different and funny way of telling the story. It’s also one of my mum’s favourites so it has to come on here.

Elf (2003)

A child accidentally ends up at the North Pole, is then adopted by the elves and nicknamed Buddy (Will Ferrell). He then goes off to America to see the human world after causing a few problems. It’s got a good few laughs, and one of the films you can just quote off the top of your head.

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

I won’t go into this one much because it’s a bit of a random one to put here, but I truly believe this is a Christmas film at heart. This one stars Johnny Depp as sweet Edward, invented by a scientist. When the scientist dies, he leaves Edward incomplete and with scissors for hands. Soon enough a kind lady comes across Edward and welcomes him into her home.

I know it doesn’t sound like much of a Christmas film, but it does have feelings of Christmas in there, and it seems to be on TV a lot at Christmas. Something about it just puts me in the festive spirit. It may also have something to do with my parents buying it for me on DVD one year.


I can’t wait to binge watch all of these films with a load of chocolate and a blanket. (Yes, I’m aware Home Alone isn’t on there, I think it’s really over rated…sorry!)

I’d recommend any of these if you haven’t see them!

Much Love


twitter/instagram: ohhxhope

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